• 343 Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin 9010
  • Weekdays 8am - 5:15pm


Fees for Enrolled NZ Eligible Patients

The fees listed below apply for a standard 15 minute consultation with a doctor. Longer consultations may be requested, and are charged at a higher rate. Other fees charged for longer consultations, nurse consultations, and additional procedures or tests are available on request.

*CSC = Community Services Card

Eligible Patients Standard Consult ACC
Under 14 years Free Free
14 - 17 years $29.00 $23.00
14 - 17 years with CSC* $13.00 $13.00
18 years and older $61.50 $56.50
18 years and older with CSC* $19.50 $19.50
New Patient first appointment $70.00  
New Patient first appointment with CSC*  $30.00  


                  Other Fees   Standard     CSC
Repeat prescriptions - 48 hours $25.00 $15.00
Repeat prescriptions - urgent (same day) $30.00 $20.00
Driving Licence Medicals $90.00 $50.00
Missed appointment or late cancellation (within 2hrs of appt time) $61.50 $19.50
Maternity consultations (first trimester only) Free Free
Childhood immunisations (funded) Free Free


Community Services Card

Click on the link below or call 0800 559 009 to see if you are eligible for a Community Services Card.


Fees for Non-Enrolled Patients

Non-enrolled patients are usually those who are not eligible to enrol with WellSouth Primary Health Network or not eligible for government subsidised health care. It also applies to casual patients who may be enrolled elsewhere but are visiting and require health care services. 

*CSC = Community Services Card

Status  Standard CSC* ACC
Consultation (NZ resident) $95 $70 $70
Children under 6 years (NZ resident) $15 $15 $15
Children 6-17 years (NZ resident) $40 $30 $35
Visitors not eligible for funded services (all ages) $150    


  • Prices vary depending on our suppliers. 
  • You will be advised of the cost for each vaccine at the time of your appointment.
  • Our cost includes the nursing administration charge.
  • We charge an additional fee ($20) if vaccines are required at short-notice.
  • Generally non-schedule vaccines need to be ordered at least one week before they are administered.


Accounts are payable on the day of consultation. Payment is available at the practice by cash or EFTPOS. You can also pay by Direct Credit to our bank account:

Amity Health Centre Ltd
ANZ 01 0902 0207641 00

Please quote your full name and chart number or invoice reference.

If you are having trouble paying your account, please speak with one of the Receptionists. You are welcome to pay your account via a weekly automatic payment. Contact your bank to arrange this and let us know so that we can allocate your payment correctly.

Overdue accounts may be referred to a debt collection agency, which incurs additional fees that are added to the overdue account. 

The above fees are correct at 30 August 2021 and are subject to review from time to time. 

Other fees are charged for longer consultations, nurse consultations, and additional procedures/tests - please contact Reception for further information.


Please note that we will charge the full cost of a consultation if you book an appointment but do not attend it. This also applies to appointments cancelled within 2 hours of the appointment time. 

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